Friday, August 21, 2020

Top 3 Blogging Trends That Will Dominate 2017

Top 3 Blogging Trends That Will Dominate 2017 Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Top 3 Blogging Trends That Will Dominate 2017Updated On 09/04/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : Blogging FeaturedShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAlthough every blog is uniquely different, and absolutely should be, there are always some defining trends that decipher whether a blog will be successful or not within a particular time period. Blogging is one of those fields that is constantly evolving and in order to stay relevant with followers and rankings, bloggers need to learn to adapt and evolve with the times or risk ending up buried on page 20 of the Google SERPs. Here are the trends expected to dominate the 2016 blogosphere.Blogging Trends That Will Dominate 20161. Don’t Just Tell, Sell!One trend that is increasing in importance is the aspect of selling something. In the past, all that was weighted was a blogger’s voice and p erspective on their niche topic, but now more than ever blogs are a kind of business, which makes the blogger a businessperson. Whether it is selling e-books that the blogger has written, to selling online courses, or ad space on the blog itself, the bottom line is that every blog is selling something on top of the offer of engaging content. In light of this, many blogs are not only being run more like a business but also using specific country domains like this to stand out from the crowd and increase global awareness.2. Be EngagingEngagement is not so coincidentally the next key player. Beyond just metrics such as page views and bounce rates, the user experience will be key to success more than ever next year. But how do you get your readers engaged? Part of the answer to that question is offering content that gets them involved in some way: from your comments section to an endorsements section, or by offering interactive material (downloadable templates and worksheets, infographi cs, podcasts, webinars, videos, etc.) that they physically engage with.READWhich elements of a webpage have an impact on user experience?Your content needs to be relevant and valuable in some way, but it should also engage the visitors on more than one form of interaction (reading). See here for some effective ways of increasing engagement on your blog.3. Email Lists Continue to Increase in ImportanceOne way to keep people engaged is to keep them informed, like through an email newsletter for example. Having followers of your blog and being active on social media is fantastic, but if you are a blogger and have not yet harnessed the power of an email list, then you are shooting yourself in the foot. Although social media is great for marketing, and gaining likes and shares (increasing your reach), it isn’t reaching the loyal readership that an email list generates. If someone registers for a blog email list, it means they are interested enough to know when new content is being post ed and will most likely read anything you send them.An email newsletter reminding them of your blog, informing them of new posts and products, and even offering discounts on the products you are selling; all of this keeps your blog relevant at the present, as opposed to being out of sight, out of mind. Your loyal reader base is your key market demographic and the heart and soul of your blog success. Analyse these Blogging trends that will dominate 2016 and prepare your strategy accordingly.

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